Moto invest in Coolnomix technology to improve the energy efficiency of their air conditioning systems

Moto services date back to 1965. Moto own 59 service stations across the UK. The busiest service stations are Cherwell Valley, Wetherby & Toddington.

Moto are proud to house under one roof major retail brands that include – M & S – Burger King – Pret – Costa – Greggs – WHS – BP – KFC that will all benefit from reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Moto have selected 10 of their service stations to install 158 Coolnomix units that are designed to save over 500,000 of kWh consumption every year and in excess of 197 tonnes of CO2. The energy savings will pay for the technology within a competitive 15 – 18 month payback period!

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